About me

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I'm 22 and I'm student of 4th year of Tourism and Leisure. My home university is in Poland however now im on Erasmus Exchange in Peniche, in Portugal, where I enjoy a lot:). I'm coming from Croatia, but living in Poland for over 16 years. But Croatia is the place where i adore coming back, and to my home town which is located near Adriatic Sea.

Sunday, 15 January 2012


I identify myself with the rough sea, and with waves which buffets on the rocks, cause I'm used to act in a hurry, it'm easy getting upset, and I can't stay in one place, like to be in move and travel,like to change surrounding me environment.

Below picture presents how two birds have sattled and alighted together on one rock, share that place between themselves in concord. 

Maybe it's not completely connected strictly with nature, but I'm fond architecture and that caught my attention, cause it's shows how human beings, who are also the inseparable element of surrounding us environment can be creative and inventive without forgeting about the nature.

For me monument is something what easily can attract my attention, on which i muse myself. I associate that word with something enourmous but beautiful at the same time, what can not be always explained by words. 
What's more i think that nature is filled with it, and below I put the picture of cliffs which we can admire from the seashore in Peniche. 

In the business there are always two or more sights which represents different rights, and it is common that one sight take the advantage of the other one subsitence. As well those plants take the advantage and benefits of being settled on the trunk of presented on picture palm tree. 

Two trees have grown like the unity, they cooperate by sharing their space and the ground witch lay under their steam and their branches. 

Below i put the photo of cutted tree trunk. It symbolizes the beginning of new 'life', cause from this tree trunk will gradually grow new treewith strong stem. It represents the essence of new creature of new begining. The essence of living and whole life is that everything arise and develope from something small to in order to become mighty and impressive of it hugeness 

The photo shows the housing estate inhabinats by elders and children, while in the vicinity is the abandoned and untamed green area filled with rubbishes. The terrain is opened, everybody can enter there, but what is visible on photo people enter there only to leave trashes and nobody take care to collect what the others have left behind them. It is unpleasant view taking into account that people live there. 

Photo presents the old man sitting on the banch, fiding the birds with crumbs of bread. For me the inteligence is shown there by those birds which noticed and first of all heard the noice of falling down crumbs of bread and they gathered there to satisfy their hunger.

The environment and nature is characterized by the fact that everything is balanced. Here is display photo of two trees, one has already grown, while the other one is in the beginning of growth. I think that this represents the natural balance in the nature. 

On this photo is shown everything, what's for me represents sense of beauty - clear and pure water of Ocean, cliffs, beach, nearby located lighthouse and situated in the far away distance not to big settlement. 

Permaculture and Rural Tourism


“Permaculture is a design system based on ethics and design principles which can be used to establish, design, manage and improve all efforts made by individuals, households and communities towards a sustainable future” <www.permacultureprinciples.com>

Permaculture is an approach to designing human settlements and agricultural systems that is modeled on the relationships found in nature. Permaculture is based on the ecology ideas and aims to create stable, productive systems that provide human with needs. It's a system where each element supports and feeds other elements, ultimately aiming at systems that are virtually self-sustaining and into which humans fit as an integral part. This method was devised and developed by  Australians Bill Mollison and David Holmgren during the 1970s. Bill Mollison has described permaculture as "a philosophy of working with, rather than against nature; of protracted and thoughtful observation rather than protracted and thoughtless labor; and of looking at plants and animals in all their functions, rather than treating any area as a single project system."

Permaculture design uses these principles to develop integrated systems that provide for our needs of food, shelter, energy and community in ways that are healthy and efficient
Permaculture as an idea, design and practical tool is based on 3 fundamental values and ethics:
1. Care of the Earth: in order to provide all life systems to continue and multiply.
2. Care of People: in order to provide people to have access to indispensable resources necessary for their existence.
3. Setting Limits to Population and Consumption: by governing our own needs, we can set resources aside to further the above principles

The list of Permaculture principles, which works as a tools and when they’re used together allows people to creatively re-design human environment and behaviour in a world of less energy and resources. These principles are seen as universal, although the methods used to express them will differ a lot according to the place and situation. Above mentioned principals read as follows:
1. Observe and interact
2. Catch and store energy
3. Obtain a yield
4. Apply self-regulation and accept feedback
5. Use and value renewable resources  and services
6. Produce no waste
7. Design from patterns to details
8. Integrate rather than segregate
9. Use small and slow solutions
10. Use and value diversity
11.  Use edges and value the marginal
12. Creatively use and respond to change
All of those principles and the ideas that are related to them  are developed and explained on the official internet website www.permacultureprinciples.com

Examples of Permaculture in POLAND:

1. Permaculture Garden in Poland,  Krośnik, nearby Lublin  

Mr Marek, called “Bosa Stopa” (“Bear Foot”)  is coming from Poland, Kraśnik –is a town in eastern Poland nearby Lublin City. Mr Marek is social worker and founder of the “Bear Food” Foundation.
For several years he is observing the nature, close to his heart are natural values, biodiversity, contact with her unusual creations.  What’s more he propagates an active tourism and he starts to be interested in Permaculture recently.
Two years ago (in 2010), in the spring, he took up the unusual challenge. At fast rate he transformed the 
24-fighting equipment recycle clay soil into a beautiful permaculture garden. Placed on the cooperation with nature in the smallest part of each of its elements. He invited to his garden, birds, lizards, insects, created space for many other smaller or larger companions. He was accomplishing his idea by putting in a little bit of knowledge, persistence, self-confidence, and above all heart. Nevertheless he was still enhancing his knowledge about permaculture methods and in accordance with rules of permaculture he created a “place of paradise” how it can be called his Permaculture Garden

Examples of Permaculture in the WORLD: 

1. http://www.permacultura.org/ - Permacultura America Latina 
2. http://www.pccj.net/ - Permaculture Center of Japan, Kanagawa 
the web site is in Japan language only, so I'll give some brief information, to give closer viev on their work
The Permaculture Centre of Japan is located in farm area in Fujino. They work on turning consumer gloabl trends into holistic ways of living. It is the only Pemaculture Centre wich exist in Japan. They combine alternative and modern agriculture. 
3. http://www.peoplesgrocery.org/ The People Grocery Urban Gardens, Oakland, California 
It is important place of developing sustainable and locally-rooted food system to gratifing nutritional needs. They providing with sufficient fresh food these low-income urban areas which don't have access to it. They have network of urban gardens and micro-farms. What's more they employing local youth in their work and giving them job and interesting occupation. 


“The rural tourism policy programme defines sustainable rural tourism as any form of tourist development or activity which respects the environment, ensures long-term conservation of natural and cultural recources, and is socially and economically acceptable and equitable. “ - Definition of rural tourism: by Lesley Roberts and Derek Hall “Rural tourism and Recreation: principles to practice”

In my opinion giving overall definition of rural tourism is not easy, because it involves different activities in different countries which each of them have it own environment and culture. However, rural tourism enables tourists to reunite with nature and the culture of the destinations, and that it has impact on the economic and social recovery of the rural areas and cause the conservation of the environment and the spreading of local cultures. It allows vistors access to people and places outside of city environments. There is include hiking and biking, visiting community museums and buying crafts. Rural tourism is best enjoyed slowly.

It contains all the activities which may be carried out in a rural environment and which attract visitors because of their traditional features and because they are different from their usual lifestyle. Visitors may interact with nature practicing various activities, such as horseback riding, sightseeing, fishing, hunting, mountaineering, agritourism, cultural tourism, wine tourism, health tourism, etc. Such activities take place in a context of respect for the environment and local culture. 

Tourists also enjoy the obliging service of the communities in the rural world (friendliness, typical cuisine, crafts, etc.).
It is called rural tourism mainly because of the fact that even though tourists' choice may not backed up by the willingness of participating in agrarian lifestyle, but they spend time in a rural area and interact with the locals who derive benefits from those activities. Therefore for instance staying at an all-inclusive hotel is not rural tourism because interaction with local community in such kind of place is not relevant.

Moreover rural tourism may has a positive effect on the economy, on the environment, and society helping them maintain and improve local infrastructure and services, giving new work places, by that it improves their lifestyle.

Examples of rural tourism in POLAND: 

There are not so many rural tourism farms in Poland but the majority of them are located in the most attractive regions of the country such as Mazury, Pomerania (Pommern), Wielkopolska and the Lubuskie Lakeland. Below are enclosed examples

1. Farma 69 - Kopaniec agrotourism
2. Gospodarstwo agroturystyczne (Agricultural Farm) "Vitalis", Elbląg
3. “Bursztynowa Farma” (Amber  Farm) – is located among forests and meadows on the edge of Słowiański National Park. Beautiful thatched houses are situated in the middle of 33ha farm - which ensures peace and quiet. The nearby areas are known for their beautiful forests abundant in mushrooms, lots of birds, cranes, geese, storks. Only 12km away from habitat is Łeba city with beautiful beaches and dunes, J. Sarbsko – adapted for windsurfing, J. Łebsko – adapted for sailing. on site there are situated: a pond, barbecue, fireplace, and many other attractions and facilities which enable to interact with nature. 

Examples of rural tourism in the WORLD:

1. NEDERLANDS: Farmstay in Holland - “Dutch Farm Holidays Bureau” – < www.dutch-farmholidays.com> - has organized farmers, growers and citizens-owners of typical and charming accommodations in the rural area.
2. UNITED KINGDOM: “Bluestone Eco Tourism Holidays” - <www.bluestonewales.com> Situated within the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park, Bluestone has woodland walks, nature trails, picnic areas, cycle routes and trim trails.
3. ITALY: “La Frescura Agriturismo” is created in an ancient country house dating back to the 17th century. The two-story building is immersed in nature and surrounded by twelve hectares of citrus groves. The hill top location opens the view to the Anapo valley with Mount Etna and Siracusa’s port in the background. 

Translation of Global Sustainable Tourism Criteria

A. Prezentacja efektywnego stabilnego zarządzania:
• A.1. Firma wdrożyła długoterminowy system stabilnego zarządzania, który jest adekwatny do rzeczywistości i skali oraz bierze pod uwagę środowiskowe, kulturowe, jakościowe i zdrowotne czynniki.
• A.2. Firma spełnia wszystkie wymogi narodowego oraz lokalnego prawa oraz regulacji ( wliczając w to oprócz innych czynników, także czynniki zdrowia, bezpieczeństwa oraz środowiska)
 • A.3. Wszyscy pracownicy uczestniczą w okresowym szkoleniu, biorące pod uwagę ich rolę w zarządzaniu środowiskiem, kulturową, zdrowiem oraz bezpieczeństwem.
• A.4. Satysfakcja klienta jest mierzona w odpowiedni sposób i koryguje podjęte akcje, tam , gdzie zachodzi taka potrzeba.
• A.5. Materiały promocyjne są kompletne i dokładne. Nie obiecują więcej niż jest w stanie zapewnić.
• A.6. Projekt i konstrukcja budynków i infrastruktury:
         A.6. 1. Przestrzega lokalny podział stref oraz wymogi chronionych terenów.
         A.6.2. Respektuje naturalne oraz kulturowe dziedzictwo okolicy pod względem lokalizacji, projektu, wpływu oceny, prawa ziemi, nabycia.
         A.6.3. Używa lokalnych adekwatnych reguł zrównoważonej konstrukcji.
         A.6.4. Zapewnia dostęp dla osób o szczególnych potrzebach.
• A.7. Informacje na temat interpretacji naturalnego otoczenia, lokalnego, kulturowego dziedzictwa, konsumenci mają zapewnione, tak samo jak wyjaśnienie adekwatnego zachowania podczas zwiedzania naturalnych obszarów oraz obszarów kulturowego dziedzictwa.

B. Maksymalizacja społecznych i ekonomicznych korzyści dla lokalnych jednostek społecznych przy jednoczesnym najmniejszym wywieraniu wpływów negatywnych
• B.1. Przedsiębiorstwo wspiera aktywnie inicjowanie rozwoju infrastruktury społecznej i zaplecza dla zamieszkałej wspólnoty w obrębie edukacji, ochrony zdrowia i higieny.
• B.2. Społeczność lokalna jest zatrudniona, jak również na stanowiskach kierujących. Szkolenia są organizowane po potrzebie.
• B.3. Przedsiębiorstwo wykupuje lokalne usługi i towary, które są dostępne do nabycia na targach.
 • B.4. Przedsiębiorstwo oferują mniejszym lokalnym przedsiębiorstwom środki do rozwoju i sprzedaży produktów zrównoważonych, które są oparte na naturalnym środowisku oraz historii i kulturze danego kraju (wliczając jedzenie i picie, wyroby rzemieślnicze, dzieła sztuki, produkty rolne)
• B.5. Poprowadzono kodeks prawny dotyczący działań prowadzących w miejscowych i lokalnych społecznościach, przy współpracy i za zgodą z wspólnoty.
• B.6. Przedsiębiorstwo wprowadziło w życie sposób postępowania przeciwko komercyjnemu wyzyskowi, w szczególności dzieci i młodzieży, w tym wykorzystywaniu seksualnym.
 • B.7. Przedsiębiorstwo zatrudnia kobiety i mniejszości lokalne na zasadzie równouprawnienia, w tym na pozycjach kierujących, przy jednoczesnym sprzeciwie zatrudnianiu dzieci i osób niepełnoletnich.
• B.8. Respektuje się i postępuje zgodnie z międzynarodowym i krajowym prawem dotyczącym ochrony praw osób zatrudnionych, a zatrudnieniu zostają wynagrodzeni płacą minimalną, zapewniającą środki na utrzymanie. • B.9. Działania prowadzone przez przedsiębiorstwo nie zagrażają zaopatrywaniu sąsiednich wspólnot w podstawowe potrzeby, jak dostęp do wody, energii elektryczna, urządzeń sanitarnych.

C. Osiągnięcie maksymalnych korzyści dla dziedzictwa kulturalnego przy jednoczesnej minimalizacji wpływów negatywnych:
• C.1. Przedsiębiorstwo kieruje się ustalonymi wytycznymi oraz prawnym kodeksem postępowania dotyczącego odwiedzania miejsc o znaczeniu historycznym lub kulturalnym, w celu zmniejszenia negatywnego wpływu związanego z wizytą, nie umniejszając przyjemności odwiedzającego w związku z jego wizytą.
 • C.2. Historyczne i archeologiczne artefakty nie podlegają sprzedaży, wymianie, prezentacji, chyba, że jest to dozwolone przez prawo.
 • C.3. Przedsiębiorstwo przyczynia się do ochrony mienia i miejsc ważnych pod względem historycznym, kulturowym, archeologicznym i duchowym oraz nie utrudnia lokalnej społeczności dostępu do niego
 • C.4. Przedsiębiorstwo wykorzystuje elementy sztuki miejscowej, architektury oraz dziedzictwa kulturowego podczas projektowania, dekorowania, w sklepach, przy jednoczesnym respektowaniu intelektualnego mienia wspólnoty lokalnej.

D. Osiągniecie maksymalnych korzyści dla środowiska przy jednoczesnej minimalizacji wpływów negatywnych
• D.1. Ochrona zasobów
          D.1.1. Polityka nabywcza faworyzuje produkty i dobra przyjazne dla środowiska, takie jak materiały budowlane, środki produkcji, jedzenie i produkty zaopatrzenia oraz dobra masowej konsumpcji
          D.1.2. Nabywanie produktów jednorazowego użytku i dóbr konsumpcyjnych jest mierzalne, a przedsiębiorstwo poszukuje aktywnie sposobów ograniczenia ich używania.
          D.1.3. Wielkość zużywania energii elektrycznej powinna być mierzalna, źródła ich pochodzenia wskazane oraz należy podjąć działania w celu ograniczenia całkowitego zużycia energii, zachęcając jednocześnie do korzystania z odnawialnych źródeł energii.
          D.1.4. Zużycie wody powinno być mierzone, wskazane źródła jej pochodzenia oraz powinny zostać przyjęte środki i podjęte działania w celu obniżenia całkowitego jej zużycia.
 • D.2. Ograniczanie zanieczyszczeń
          D.2.1. Kontrola emisji gazów cieplarnianych ze wszystkich źródeł jest mierzona poprzez zakres. Procedury są realizowane w celu zmniejszenia i wynagrodzenia, jako sposób na osiągnięcie neutralności klimatycznej.
          D.2.2. Ścieki, wliczając szarą wodę, należy uzdatniać i używać ponownie w miarę możliwości.
          D.2.3. Solidny plan gospodarki odpadami jest realizowany poprzez wyznaczenie sobie ograniczeń ilościowych odpadów, które nie nadają się do ponownego wykorzystania lub recyklingu.
          D.2.4. Stosowanie szkodliwych substancji takich jak pestycydy, farby, środki dezynfekujące do basenu i środki czyszczące, jest ograniczone do minimum i zastąpione przez nieszkodliwe produkty, jeśli są akurat dostępne. Używanie substancji chemicznych jest odpowiednio zagospodarowane i przemyślane.
          D.2.5. Działalność wykonuje czynności mające na celu zmniejszenie zanieczyszczeń pochodzących z hałasu, światła, odpływów, erozji, związków chemicznych niszczących warstwę ozonową, glebę oraz powietrze.
•  D.3. Ochrona różnorodności biologicznej, ekosystemów i krajobrazów
          D.3.1. Gatunki dzikiej przyrody są zabierane ze środowiska naturalnego, używane, wystawiane lub sprzedawane na rynki międzynarodowe, w ramach działalności, która zapewnia, że ich wykorzystanie jest zrównoważone.
          D.3.2. Dziko żyjące gatunki zwierząt nie mogą być przechwycone, chyba że są posiadane tylko przez osoby upoważnione i odpowiednio wyposażone do trzymania ich w domu i opieki nad nimi, za wyjątkiem uregulowanych działań dotyczących życia chronionych okazów dzikich zwierząt.
          D.3.3. Działalność wykorzystuje rodzime gatunki dla dobra krajobrazu i renowacji, podejmuje również działania, które mają na celu chronienie przed pojawieniem się obcych, inwazyjnych gatunków  
          D.3.4. Działalność przyczynia się do wspierania ochrony różnorodności biologicznej, w tym wspieranie naturalnych obszarów chronionych oraz obszarów o wysokiej różnorodności biologicznej.
          D.3.5. Interakcje z dziką przyrodą nie mogą wpływać negatywnie na żywotność populacji pozostającej na wolności. Zakłócenia naturalnych ekosystemów są zminimalizowane i odnowione, jak również istnieje wyrównawczy wkład zarządzania ochroną.

Translation of the article about the protection of the Baltic Seashore

Protection of the Baltic Seashore

In 2009-2013 will be accomplished project of protecting Baltic Sea shore, which belongs to administration of Municipal Office in Gdynia. This undertaking includes four parts of South Baltic Sea shore: Ostrowo, Rozewie, Hel cape and Westerplatte. Total cost of this project will amount to 69 371 175 zl (around 16 000 000euro), including 57 937 185 zl share that  European Union gave to Poland, within the scope of Operation Program – Infrastructure and Environment (POIiŚ). The Environmental Protection Fund and Water Economy in Gdańsk play a role of Institution that implements this Operation Program (POIiŚ). Fortifying seashores  is one of the 14 projects which are being accomplishing within a scope  (POIiŚ) program.
-               These projects are investment which refer to environment and people and this is what we need. This (POIiŚ) program is intended for being implemented in big cities, but in the Pomerania region, a lot of rural areas got a bailout. Thanks to it , finally sewage  can be installed there. Projects are being implemented on the Kashubia Region.  Septic tanks very often  were not hermetic properly. When the investment is accomplished, environment will be cleaner and safer for surrounding- says Danuta Drozd, Director of The Environmental Protection Fund and Water Economy in Gdańsk. In the Pomerania region all of these investments are being accomplished according to plan. – she adds.
With a group of journalists  invited by The Environmental Protection Fund and Water Economy in Gdańsk  we had an opportunity to observe works of fortifying seashore  near Ostrowo city.
-               In the Ostrowo area we we were fortifying a 2600 m seashore with the aid of the system invented by Italians. It consists in building artificial dune, the constructions consists of 6 floors. The  ground floor is based on mattress  on which they are layers of “big cages baskets”, in which at the beginning lay down a land, soil and then cages- says Ryszard Dudziak from WMW Company.
They will plant a special type of grass on this built fortification. This type of grass is found in the centre and north parts of Europe, mainly on sea dunes. It produces very long rootstock, what contributes to consolidate dunes. Sea Buckthorn will be also planted, because expands very well and has spikes and provides additional protection against penetration of the area.
-               The strengthening  will be not seen – emphasizes Jacek Adamski from Maritime Department in Gdańsk – This strengthening should hold for about a hundred years, even very strong 12 scale storms. It is formed just to protect against flooding and leaching the only road leading to The Hel Peninsula.
The Hel Peninsula is a special place, of still growing interest in tourists who are attracted by clean air, beautiful sea and the only one Seal Centre in Poland. Another advantage of Hel is undoubtedly access to the most southern tip of the Polish Baltic coast. For the past several decades The Hel Peninsula used by the military was unavailable for tourists. For tens of hectares are military buildings, lo-cating batteries, tank destroyers even before the Second World War, but first and foremost there are great forests and valuable natural areas.
            We are on one of the most unusual places in Europe, a few yards away in the sea is 60-meters fault built only with sand without rocks and stones – in Krzysztof Skóra opinion, from University of Gdańsk this is ingenious natural-geomorphological form.
Unfortunately the cost on southeast of the entrance to the port of Hel is more like a landfill debris and stones after a general renovation.
-               Over a distance of 400m of the shore work will induce reconstruction of seawall. Wall will be built airtight, reinforced bottom and also will be taken strengthening of stones, with the edges of the Gabion rollers – said Roman Kołodziejski from Maritime Department in Gdańsk, and added: Part of the debris will be selected,  some crushed and in addition secured by a stone. It will be a permanent part of strengthening the bank, which in the first place will be effective and secondly look nice.
The area in which will be made the strengthening of the shore is exceptionally natural valuable and belongs, like the Hel Peninsula to the Natura 2000 network.
-               It is an area where we see enormous pressure for redevelopment of the banks, risk is also disordered tourist penetration. This land had previosuly been inaccessible for people as soon as military withdrawn and made this place available, began treading paths in the dunes – said Iwona Pabiś-Beszczyńska, head of Team for Nature Conservation, Environmental Education and Information from Gdańsk. Last year there was a meeting of all interested groups: Wejherowo Forest District, the Regional Directorate of Environment Protection in Gdańsk, representatives of local government from Hel and Gdańsk, scientists and associations. It has been developed a model of tourism, whose element is boardwalk, hiking trails and footbridges over sensitive sand dunes. At first the municipality of Hel has requested Coordination Centre Environmental Projects for funding such a project, but it was rejected.
Fortunately, Maritime Department wants not only to consolidate the seashore but  protect sand dunes against falling apart, therefore they accepted the improved project of strengthening seashore by building there pathways and a boardwalk. It is possible to accomplish, because we managed to save up the time and parts of means which were allocated to implement the right one project. Currently is taking place a process of gaining licence - Danuta Drozd says.

The realization of the Baltic Seashore Protection Project which are in competence of  Maritime Department in Gdynia would enable on the one hand to consolidate the seashore and improving it esthetic, and to get into order touristic movements on the other hand. It would be able to realize by creating the attractive touristic area, what may reduce investment pressure on that area.
- We want to protect natural values. The cheapest way would be fencing that area, all the more, that exists there the white sand dune and the grey sand dune, which is the priority environmental complex of European Union. Unfortunately, sand dunes play a role and serves as public convenience, ‘dressing room’, and meeting place. The cape is a place of a rest of bird, and besides that spreads over there a beautiful view during the storm. – prof. Skóra says. She mentioned as well that they successfully designed the humanocentric boulevard, where would be located descents to water and space to sit down.
Mrs. Skórka indicate how crucial is to regulate the touristic movement on the cape, cause this place is visited by 370.000people annualy. Those data are delivered by control tower with camcorder which enable to count people and animals. Besides that building of the boardwalk would make possible to display the Laskowski Battery as called “the cape battery”. In 1939 mentioned battery was a crucial element of protecting Polish Seacoast. As was emphasized by Roman Kołodziejski, Maritime Department in Gdynia is counting on collaboration with Association of the Friends of Hel City.
The Sand Dune Park, one of the touristic attraction of Hel, arose on the place where formerly has been  located  seaside dune.
-               We want to present here typical for dunes plant cover of Baltic seashore, with specific for them flora and fauna complexes and other elements of abiotic environment. It enables to present succession stages, and depicts problems connected with protection of seaside dunes against destruction – prof. Skórka says.
 Within the sand dune park has built chain of overdunes bridges (gangways), which will provide tourists and observers with superiority over exposition objects from the one side, while from the other will protect the flora of dunes against trample them. The gangway was built from recycling material. During a stroll we are passing by Sea holly (Eryngium maritimum)
-               Out of this area we collected and removed 600 ton of rubbish including 4 tracks of bottles. Afterwards we planted indigenous species of plants, thanks to that there are already growing and flourishing Sea hollies (Eryngium maritimum) and other protected species. We built particular arbours where are located solar cells which provide lamps located under the gateway with energy. They turn on at the night and compensate shade during the day for plants, they are main source of light and allow plant to photosynthesis. – prof. Skórka says

Just for a while we are visiting marine seal aquarium, where we watching how qualified  medical trainers  are building a relationship between them and seals, in order to have a chance to carry out variety medical tests for instance: how big impact has a noise on sales.
Prof. Skórka is giving to us fish cans simultaneously stressing that we need to watch out and buying only those fish cans which are specially labeled, cause they informed us that fishes were being catched in secure way for porpoise and sales.


1. Breakfest: Organic fruit Muesli with natural probiotic yoghurt

2. Lunch: Mozzarella cheese with tomato topped with olive oil and chopped basil

3. Dinner: Red pepper stuffed with veal meat and couscous kasha, for beverage: freshly squeezed orange juice.
For Dessert: Baked apples served with honey and cinnamon

4. Supper: homemade cream of pumpkin with wheat bran or other cereal grains

Important is, in my opinion, to drink mineral still water during all day, with meals and between them.

My ECO and CARBON footprints

On following websites: http://footprint.wwf.org.uk/ and http://www.carbonfootprint.com/calculator.aspx we can    measure how big influence we are putting on the environment of the Planet Earth while we travel or lead everyday life.

Below i enclosed my results:)

About the environmental issues on Ted Talk Website!

Johan Rochstrom, leader scientist form Sweden who work on the Stockholm Resilience Centre, gave a speach on July 2010 „Let the invironment guide our development” and video about it is possible to see on official Ted Talk website ‘www.ted.com’.

The leading subject and goal of a speech was to indicate that nowadays humanity live on the Planet Earth which is dominated and controlled by human beings who are putting enormous pressure on the planet. At the same time the speaker emphasizes that we as the first generation that owing to science and recent scientific discoveries are lucky to be well-informed and conscious how we straining the stability and capacity of the Planet Earth. Afterwards it is said how crucial is to undertake actions in order to implement transformative changes based on new ideas and innovative solutions, and it called that process “human scientific journey in global phase of sustainability”.

Nowadays it’s very noticeable how instead of supporting human development we are putting “quadruple squeeze” placing our Planet under the big pressure connected with civilization evolution.

Firstly, as it was mentioned in the video, these “quadruple squeeze” is related to rapidly growth of population. At the present the Planet Earth is inhabited by almost 7 billion of people while prognosis indicate that in few years it will be number exceeding 9 billion. Another interested fact which he took into considerations is that the biggest and the most negative environmental impact on our planet have the rich minority of people, what can appears as ridiculous. Because we can assumed that as the rich and influential people dispose with enormous amount of money, they have all rights, abilities and means to support in proper way development of our Planet. However, instead of  that they have already “jumped on the industrial bandwagon”  and disseminate the unsustainable lifestyle.
Secondly, climate and connected with it climate changes issues are the next biggest factors which put the pressure on the Earth Planet. It leads to greenhouse gasses affect, the increased of the temperature, destabilization of the west Antarctic Ice Sheet and the Greenland Ice Sheet and connected with that well-known see level rising.
Third mentioned factor is the ecosystem decline. Our ecosystem in rapidly and uncontrolled way is declining what was unthinkable 50 years ago.
The forth pressure in the surprisingly fact, of which most of people are not awareness, that our ecosystem did not behave "linearly, predictably, controllably" but is changing rapidly, violently and often  irreversible.  
Johan’s point of view is that we are entering in a new geological  era – the Antropocene, where human beings are leaders and conduct all the changes on the planet on a universal level.
He brought  considerable evidences of above-mentioned thesis, as carbon dioxide, deforestation, overfishing, land degradation, loss of species – all of them show how from the mid of 50th human enterprises rapidly expedited in results having an impact on the global level. Remarkably important is the fact what he said that we need to “bend the curves” what means stop accelerating human pressure on the Planet Earth! In order to bring closer significant of problem he gave an example of Coral Reef System as a one of the most diverse ecosystems on Earth, which under the pressure of overfishing, unsustainable tourism, climate changes it losses resilience (ability of self-recovering).
Many others examples there were called, such as: the Arctic – as the biom which regulates our planet suddenly had lost 30 – 40 % of its summer ice cover in recent years.

However there is still hope for our humanity. Johan with his colleagues have carried out researches which enable them to indicate “9 Planetary Boundaries”  within which we can find a solution just by giving them active back up and stewardship. Below I will specify all of them:
1. Climate changes
2. Depletion of stratospheric ozone
3. The Ocean acidification
4. Biogeochemical loading: the influence of the big nitrogen and phosphorus cycles on the planet
5. Land use changes
6. Rate of biodiversity loss
7. Global use of freshwater
8. Air pollution
9. Chemical pollution

All 9 points together create the “guide book” for human development without damaging the Planet Earth, which is considered to be self-regulation system complex.

Scientists estimate as well that fast human development have caused to transgressed 3 main boundaries already, which are: the rate of biodiversity loss, nitrogen, and climate changes.
In the end was mentioned that the key to deal with “turbulent era of global changes” is persistence and simultaneously cooperation of all countries in the world and their move in the same direction is necessary  to implement proper and positive changes. What’s more flexible and adaptive approach is essential as well. I agree with author of this speech, and what’s more I think that all of the targets can be achieved if human and society start to cooperate on global level, without focusing only on local scale but putting the attention on global scale.  

Me Resume of 5 interesting websites!

1. http://www.tribes.co.uk/ - The Tribes Travel

Tribes Travel The motto of the Tribes Travel Website is the following: 
“The art of travelling with respect” and in accordance with that slogan initiators organize trips and holidays to places such as: Botswana, Brazil, Ecuador, Galapagos Islands, India, Jordan, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Mauritius, Morocco, Nepal, Peru, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, and simultaneously propagating responsible travelling in unity with the environment and wildlife, without exploits the local people. The “Tribes Travel” is independent specialist travel company owned and run by Amanda and Guy Marks, who founded it in January 1998 in order to promote good environmental conservation within the tourism industry. They offer tailored holidays and the whole arranged honeymoons to African and South American countries in responds to travellers interests and hobbies, providing them with inspiring guided trips to: Sahara deserts, The Amazon tropical rainforest, Nyungwe Forest, to nationals parks like Chitwan National Park in Nepal or Yasuni National Park in Ecuador, wildlife reserves (Kapawi Ecolodge and Reserve, Manu Biosphere Reserve, Tambopata National Reserve) but also by bringing benefits to the local people, wildlife and environment of the destination. On their web site interested in it people can find essential to know information’s about what in needed to take part in such a trip. They can reach for interesting information’s about best places to see and visit with Tribes Travel Company and what is worth seeing in specific destination. What’s more web site includes bookmark called “Unforgettable Experiences” where are enclosed written by Tribes clients impressions of their journeys with these company. They share their own experiences and “tell us in their own words what they really felt about the things they did and places and people they met on their holidays with Tribes”. 
 This how are presented several essential principles of „Tribes Code” according to which work the company: 
1. They do all within their power to provide their clients with the best possible holiday that they could hope for, whilst minimizing any possible harm and maximizing any potential benefit to our world. 

2. They will not sell services which they know to be exploiting or causing harm to the environment, wildlife or local community
3. They do all they can and adopt vital measures to reduce consumption of natural resources. 

4. Their aim is to improve the lot of under-privileged communities in the destinations we promote.

5. They help protect and conserve our environments and the flora and fauna within.

2. http://www.pachamama.org/ - The Pachamama Alliance

“Bring forth the sustainable, just, and fulfilling world you know is possible.” 

“Empowered by our partnership with indigenous people, The Pachamama Alliance inspires and galvanizes the human family to generate a critical mass of conscious commitment to a thriving, just and sustainable way of life on Earth.” (taken from: www.pachamama.org) 

Few information’s about the founders and organization: 
The Pachamama Alliance is a U.S. not-for-profit organization that emerged from a relationship developed between a group of people from the modern world and the remote indigenous groups representatives in the Amazon region of Ecuador. This relationship was initiated by the indigenous elders and shamans who being concerned about the growing threat to their ancient way of life, and out of their recognition that the roots of this threat lay far beyond their rainforest home, actively sought the way to reach the partnership and to initiate cooperation with committed individuals from the modern world. 

On the web site we can found what are the fundamental goals of the organization: 

1. The organization by cooperation with the Achuar, who are indigenous people of the Amazon rainforest, are spreading their acquired knowledge about living in harmony with nature, as do that the Achuar people in their homes in the rainforests of Ecuador and Peru 

2. They try to defend and stands for the rights of indigenous people, local cultures and territories of the Achuar and other tribes of the Amazon, which are concerned to be a source of biological, medicinal, and spiritual wealth for all humanity. 

3. As the members of organization recognize well that indigenous people are the rainforests` natural custodians, and therefore, key strategies of their collaboration and work focus on strengthening their culture and empowering their ability to stand for and represent their own interests. 

4. They work on protecting the Earth’s tropical rainforests as they are most valuable ecosystem and in the same time they’re taking into account how important role plays economics factor in the fate of rainforests. 

5. They are commitment to develop tangible project in order to create a sustainable economic foundation for preserving way of indigenous people life, what’s include: provide them with complementary currency systems to support rural development and promote local production, consumption and trade, develop permaculture, aquaculture projects, and ecotourism projects, such as Kapawi Ecolodge and Tiinkias Lodge.  

On the web site interested in it can reach information’s about what kind of measures founders and members of organization took in the area of Amazon Forests and indigenous lands of South America. Mainly they work with groups whose territories span the border regions of Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil and Colombia to create the necessary conditions for indigenous communities to strengthen their self-determination, governance, territorial defense, and ways of life. What’s more there are included videos representing the story of the beginning of foundation and about the recent programs, video reports about journeys to Amazon Rainforest and High Andes, and many other in related to future of indigenous inhabitants of Amazonia and South America countries. 

3. http://www.earthwatch.org/europe/ - Earthwatch Institute 

Earthwatch Institute is global environmental organization, founded in 1971 in Boston (Massachusetts). Initially the main idea was to involve general public, as individual volunteers and scientists all together, into scientific process and to provide them with financial means and dedicated labour force to help them develop scientific projects. Subsequently this cooperation between scientists and the general public representatives enable increase the public's understanding of science,their overall knowledge of environmental issues, transforming values, attitudes and behaviour. The Eartwatch Institute create the network of people interested in science and passionate about the world they live in and curiosity to understand the world that surround them. On the above given web site we can find information’s about their goals, about the work and project they, founder and members as well, are involved in, about the companies with who do they work with and the expeditions they have been organized through all of those years, and those which are going to take place. In the end how interested in people can join to this project and participate actively. 

What is worth mentioning and what’s distinguish this organization from rest is the fact that they engage people worldwide who are not scientists but interested in it people from different environments
(youth, students, families etc.) and involved them in scientific field researches and educations in order to promote the understanding and show them which actions are necessary for a sustainable environment. Afterwards to teach them how to live in nowadays times within the possessed recourses but in balance with the nature. As is presented on the web pages the Earthwatch Organization is specialized in organizing expenditures for teens in aged of 15 – 18, students groups, families. Those expenditures provide interested in it to participate in field research in breathtaking places around the world such as: snorkelling through crystal clear Bahamian waters, conserving the Amazon Rainforest, excavating a Roman fort in north England, or monitoring hyaenas in South Africa and giving them chance to broaden their knowledge and awareness about the sustainable environment, biodiversity and nature protection. 

 4. http://www.bioneers.org/ - The Bioneers - Revolution From the Heart of Nature 

The Bioneers is a non-profit educational organization based in New Mexico promoting practical and innovative solutions to environmental and social problems based on a philosophy which recognizes the aliveness, interdependence, and intelligence of the natural world. The founder of organization is Founder Kenny Ausubel, who coined the term Bioneers in 1990. The goal of The Bioneers founders and members is to implement solutions for restoring on better people and planet. Each of them are social and scientific innovators with nature-inspired approaches and willingness to realize the most urgently environmental and social challenges which are going to make better changes. 

Their work consists of six leading programs, and some of them are following : 
1. A public education program of changing the mindscape 

2. Education for Action – they cooperate with schools and collaged providing them with materials about sustainable environment and their work 

3. Resilience from the Ground Up – is a program by which they bring a practical tools and methodology to implement effective changes at the municipal and state level

4. Moonrise – is a program formed and arisen with the view to encourage Women to take a leadership and strength their self-confidence in their abilities a skills of being bold, congruent and effective leaders on behalf of a healthy, just and peaceful future.

Bioneers connects numerous of innovators such as farmers, educators, scientists, and social justice activists, with engaged citizens who are all making a very real difference to create change in their own communities and workplaces. What’s more they all together work on different areas which are connected with Education, Women’s Leadership, Ecological Food and Farming, Unity of Youth. As the educational organization they are well known by annual conferences. First one took place in 1990, and since then they are annually organized in October, in San Rafael in California. About the contents of conferences and about speakers who are presenting their crucial solutions we can search on their web site. Mainly conferences highlight the work of scientific and social innovators and helps support, nurture and propagate their ideas and models. What’s interesting among speakers there are people from the whole world who specialized in interdisciplinary fields, so there presents their ideas from following fields: environmental and socio-political activism, chemistry, design, architecture and urban planning; organic and "beyond organic" farming and gardening; biodiversity, bioremediation, and wildland preservation; alternative energy; engaged spirituality, literature and the arts etc.

5. http://www.wwoof.pt/ - WWOOF – World Wide Opportunities on Organic 

On the official web site of WWOOF – World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms internet users can obtain information’s about activity and goals of above mentioned organization, presentations and photos from all Portugese hosts are included as well. WWOOF is formally called Working Weekends on Organic Farms. It came into being in 1971 when Sue Coppard, the iniciator of whole undertaking, came to conclusion that it is crucial to provide access to the countryside for people who did not have either the means or the opportunity, but who are keen to support the organic movement. She have been organizing trial working weekends on one of the bio-dynamic farm in England. That how It started! Now the organization has different name but the goal is nearly the same. 
On the web site internauts can found more information about the team members who are responsible for all undertaking and they coming from whole world – Portugal, Sweden, Berlin. Giving general information’s WWOOF is an exchange program in which can take part volunteers from worldwide. National network of organizations which host their volunteers in 99 countries all of the world. They localized volunteers on organic farms in order to provide them with first-hand experience in organic and ecologically methods, to help the organic movement, and to let volunteers experience life in a rural setting or a different country. Volunteers do not receive financial rewards or any kind of payment, however in return for given by them help they are provided with food, place to live, accommodation and what’s the most significant the opportunity to learn how ecological farm function and about organic lifestyles. 
For those who would be interested in taking part in such an adventure, on the official website are enclosed bookmarks as “Forum” where is possible to ask a questions and get the information’s from people who works on that project and from those who were participated as volunteers. Moreover bookmark “Hosts” is very interesting part of page where are inserted list of available hosts, farms with the information about vacancy and short description of farm possession and region where is located. However to be able to take a challenge in the WWOOFing experience is required to become a member, cause it gives access to hosts’ contact. Nevertheless, all the important information’s are published on their website.